Yukon Gold Organic Seed Potatoes
Maturity: mid-season
Tubers: oval, slightly flattened; finely flaked yellowish white skin; shallow pink eyes; light yellow flesh.
Yield: Medium yielding variety of attractive appearance. Large tubers are slightly susceptible to hollow heart. Excellent storability; long dormancy period. High specific gravity.
Use: Very good for boiling, baking, and French frying; unsuitable for chipping; retains its yellow flesh color when cooked. Reaction to diseases
Highly resistant: PVA
Moderately resistant: leaf roll.
Susceptible: common scab, PVY, air pollution.
Tubers: oval, slightly flattened; finely flaked yellowish white skin; shallow pink eyes; light yellow flesh.
Yield: Medium yielding variety of attractive appearance. Large tubers are slightly susceptible to hollow heart. Excellent storability; long dormancy period. High specific gravity.
Use: Very good for boiling, baking, and French frying; unsuitable for chipping; retains its yellow flesh color when cooked. Reaction to diseases
Highly resistant: PVA
Moderately resistant: leaf roll.
Susceptible: common scab, PVY, air pollution.